Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Everything you always wanted to know about me and stitching!

Okay, maybe not!
Here are the answers to the questions from Stitching Blogger's Question of the Week. This will pretty much bring me up to date and I can start again next week:
1) Which project (finished or in progress) are you most proud of? Explain why.
Good question. I am the most proud of Camelot Sampler by Teresa Wentzler. You can see a picture of the framed piece on my webpage. This was the first Teresa Wentzler piece that I attempted, it was the first piece over-two, and was far and away the most complicated piece that I had done up until that point or really, have done to date. I added Kreiniks to a lot of the over-one sections and made a lot of personal little changes to really make it special. Plus, my framer did the "baseball diamond" style of framing, which he commented was really unique and something that he had not done often.  And...there is a funny story about it as well. When I started Camelot Sampler back in 1998, I actually started stitching on it the wrong way...I had the fabric positioned incorrectly on my Q-snaps, and my husband came in the room and said, "Shouldn't it be going the other way?" He still says to date he's never seen me that angry over my stitching! I am surprised that I didn't just chuck the thing in the corner, but I didn't...I painstakinly frogged ALL the over-one lettering in the sword block and started over.
2) How do you choose a project? What “calls” to you the most?
Definitely the colors. I can't really explain it, but it has to be something very colorful and striking...something that I can really see myself being excited about for years, since that's how long it takes me to stitch most of my pieces. It also has to be a subject matter that I really like. As a general rule, I dislike stitching buildings quite a bit...I make exception for castles, but I remember I had to do this firehouse scene in a round robin a few years back from Stoney Creek's Cobblestone Village and it was sheer torture! I hated it. I just find houses and buildings very boring. But I really love colorful dragons, female fantastical figures, castle scenes, angels, samplers, etcetera. The more color and the higher the detail, the better!
3) Would you consider yourself ‘addicted to stitching’? Why or why not?
Several years ago, I would have said yes without even hesitating. There was a time when I lived, breathed and ate stitching...it was all I thought about and all I wanted to do. I remember I would take vacation time off JUST to spend the day in front of the television stitching. It was highly addictive and obsessive. Now, I would not say that I am addicted to stitching. I still love it and I'm very passionate about it and I love talking about it, but I have realized that there are other things in my life that require just as much attention.
4) What are your favourite cross stitching websites and why?
Well, obviously I love mine. It's the only place in the world where I can look at ALL of my works in progress on one screen, and that's pretty cool. I really enjoy posting on all the bulletin boards and sharing my works in progress and talking about stitching, especially rotation, which I attribute wholeheartedly to my success at stitching the last five years. I love surfing the sites for Teresa Wentzler, Mirabilia and Told In A Garden, which is why I have all those links set up in my sidebar. I also enjoy looking at Donna Vermillion Giampa's website (note to self to add her link to my page!) because it is so colorful with great music! I also like looking at the Wichelt and Kreinik websites because it's the best source for researching fabric and fibers that I might not have. I have chosen many fabrics for my various projects just based on what I've found on the Wichelt site.
Okay, that's it for now! Stay tuned and happy stitching!


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