Saturday, August 20, 2005

Welcome to the world, Colin!

I got a call early this morning from my best friend S in North Carolina advising that her sister E's son was born this morning at 7:57 am by Caesarean section. Eight pounds. That's a big boy! Anyway, mom and baby are doing great and my friend said that her entire family was crying they were so happy. Congratulations, E and K!

I am happy for another reason this morning. I woke up at 5:30 am this morning because I couldn't sleep...had to pee constantly and very uncomfortable. So I put the time to good use, got up, and finished setting up the website for the remodeling pictures that I've been talking about the last few weeks. It's just too hard to continue to load them onto my Photobucket account and bring them into my blog, and I've got so much web space with Verizon. This will be better. I already gave a friend at work a peek, and she confirmed that it looks awesome. So, y'all be patient just a LEETLE while longer, and I'll post the link.

The really awesome news though is that my wonderful husband remembered about ten minutes ago that when we bought this house, we walked through and photographed the ENTIRE thing before we started moving anything in. Including the bathrooms, which are the two rooms I really wish I had before shots of. Oh, I can't believe I forgot about that!!!! We did that for expressly this purpose...because we were planning on remodeling. He was reformatting the computer to give to his sister, so he's going to pull it in later tonight and we'll retrieve all those photographs and I'll add them to my website. Trust me, you really can't appreciate what we've done with those bathrooms until you saw the train wreck that they were before. I've said it before and I'll say it again...I'm fortunate that I have vision when it comes to houses or else we never would have bought this place!

The house stuff is progressing nicely. The vinyl guys came yesterday and finished the utility room, which looks great, but even better, they repaired the damage that Philip created. You seriously can NOT tell there was a rip there until you put your nose to the floor and squint with the sunlight on it. They did a great job. However, they refused to install the rest of my stairnose since they are "vinyl installers, not wood installers", so I have a repair guy coming this afternoon to finish that up. Painter is coming at noon on Monday to start the outside (must take before pictures) and the carpet cleaners are coming at 9:30 on Monday. Last night all we did was put up all the artwork in the kitchen, mount the Dust Buster we bought on the wall of the utility room, and I put away a lot of stuff in the nursery. This kid is going to have a lot of clothes. I also ordered a piece of plate glass for the top of my dresser to protect it.

Today is baseboard day. And speaking of which, I need to scoot out to the garage and get started putting the second coat on those baseboards. It's going to be a busy weekend!


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