Who knew I would be this tired?
This was my Saturday yesterday starting with bedtime Friday night:
-Went to bed at 11 pm Friday night, slept in until 9:30.
-Worked on my computer till about 2.
-Took a shower, fell asleep on bed in the middle of getting ready.
-Had to drink a Diet Coke to stay awake on the way out to dinner with DH.
-Ate, went to Kroger for groceries, and walked around the store like a zombie for two hours.
-Came home, put groceries away, half-napped on bed for two hours.
-Ate late dinner, back in bed at 11.
This being so tired is putting a serious cramp in my stitching plans! Fortunately, today I feel pretty good (so far) so I'm going to walk the dogs, shower, and probably just take it easy on the couch with my stitching. I'm not up for cabinet painting today, so I'll probably just do laundry all day. That'll keep me busy!
Memes, and lots of 'em!
What's on...right now?
What's on 'your menu for dinner tonight' right now? Since we just went shopping, our refrigerator is completely stocked, which is GREAT! The sky is the limit! I'm thinking maybe spaghetti with super-lean beef.
3X Thursday...
1.Do you have a favorite season? Which is it? Why? My favorite season is spring, and the reason why is because it's warm but not too warm, the air is clear and crisp, and everything looks and smells GREAT!
2. Mood and mind changes come along with seasonal changes. Why do you think that is? I think if you associate a particular season with something in particular, it can carry over into your moods, and so many things that we do are associated with the weather.
3. Which seasons are your highlights? Which ones are 'the blahs'? My highlighted seasons are spring and fall, and the blahs are winter and summer because those are the two seasons that I get the most tired of the weather the fastest.
Bonus Question for Comments: If you had to choose one season that would last all year, which one would it be? Why? Spring for the reasons listed above.
Theater Thursday:
Give us your list of YOUR top 10 "classic" films.
- Gone With The Wind
- White Christmas
- Sound of Music
- The Wizard of Oz
- The Godfather
- Ferris Bueller's Day Off
- The Breakfast Club
- Star Wars: A New Hope
- The Empire Strikes Back
- Return of the Jedi
Thursday Threesome:
Onesome: Winnie the Pooh-- What was your favorite book series as a kid? Was there one you tried to find the complete set to read? ...or maybe just one book you remember well? When I was really young, I was obsessed with the Nancy Drew series. I always had to look at the library for them. Not only did I love the stories, I thought the drawings on the front cover were just fascinating! In high school, my favorites were the Flowers In The Attic series...what a complex story.
Twosome: and the-- holidays are just around the corner? Are you ready for things? ...or are you too immersed in life to even think about it? Let's put it this way...P told me yesterday that he heard the first Christmas carol on the radio and we both just GROANED. Thanksgiving for me won't be that big of a deal since I'm traveling to Florida for that and I'll be off work, but I'm working up to and after Christmas and I know December is just going to be an insane month without C at work.
Threesome: Blustery Day-- Hey, what do you like to do on a stormy day when you're not working or in school? Do you curl up with a book? Watch TV? Bake? How do you pass the time when you don't feel like going "out in it"? Watch tv and stitch with a hot cup of tea. That's the best. I love it when it rains...unless I have to go out in it.
Thursday Tattle:
Did you vote? Yes. Was it quick or did you have to wait in a line? I had to wait in line for two hours. Did you watch the coverage when you got home? I voted early, so no, but I watched all night until I fell asleep the night of Election Day. Were you happy with who won? Extremely. Do you hate talking about politics? YES.
Friday Forum...
1. What is your ultimate favorite kind of cookie? Do you usually bake them yourself or buy them somewhere? Why are they your favorite? There is this recipe that goes around on the Internet every now and then called the Neiman-Marcus cookie, and those are my favorite. I'll have to see if I can find the recipe again sometime. They are delicious, but take forever to make. You have to grind oatmeal up into flour, shave chocolate bars into a powder, and they are basically oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, but they are out of this world! I haven't made them in years, but they are like heaven to eat. Those Rocky Road bars that I posted the recipe for a few months ago are also amazing. 2. Tell us which type of cookies you prefer. Chewy? Crispy? No-bake? Cookie bars? Or something else? I prefer soft chewy cookies, and cookie bars are really amazing. 3. Do you bake cookies often, or do you prefer to buy them? Do you have any special secrets for making awesome cookies?Have you ever entered a cookie contest? I don't bake cookies that often for the obvious...that they are really bad for you...and they don't last long in our house. P loves cookies as much as I do. I don't have any secrets for making awesome cookies other than to make them from scratch as they taste MUCH better that way. I've never entered a cookie contest, but I did enter a baking contest for a pie in high school. 4. What do you like to eat or drink along with your cookies? (For example, milk, tea, coffee, ice cream.) Just plain skim or low-fat milk is good for me...or ice water. 5. Will you be baking any cookies for the upcoming holiday season? Why/why not? Are there any traditional cookie recipes inyour family? (Feel free to share a recipe with us if you'd like.) I doubt I'll bake any cookies...my family is more dessert folks. I'll probably help my grandmother make desserts for Thanksgiving since I'll be staying at her house, and for Christmas, I usually bake an apple pie, either a pumpkin or pecan, and something with chocolate (usually brownies) for the kids. The best brownie recipe I've made yet is the one on the Ghiradelli sweet chocolate canister...they are out of this world.
Weekend Wonderings...
1. How often do you get sick? Usually about twice a year. 2. Do you go to the doctor when you’re sick? Only if I think there is something that the doctor can do. I don't need to spend $20 for the doctor to tell me I have a virus. 3. What time of year are you most likely to get sick? It can be ANYTIME I get run down and tired.
And lastly, my Sunday Brunch! I managed to drag myself out of bed long enough to post it.
1) What is your favorite vegetable and your favorite fruit? My favorite veg is a potato and my favorite fruit is an apple. 2) How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you eat a day? As everyone else has already answered, not enough, but I usually get about three or four. 3) Did your parents force you to eat vegetables when you were younger? YES, and I hated it. 4) What vegetable can you absolutely just not get down, no matter what you are bribed with? It used to be broccoli, and now it's brussells sprouts. 5) What is your favorite way to eat fruit? I wish I had time to do it more often, but I love fruit in a fruit salad. I just never have time to cut it up and eat it that way.
That's all I've got today. Time to go put my needle and thread to work!